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About Our Celebrity Mentors

The basic functions of Academy of Art & Design® is the advancement and dissemination of knowledge, the development of critical intelligence, and the education of students and professional workers for the society of which the academy is a part.

The indispensable condition for the successful discharge of these functions is an atmosphere of intellectual freedom. Unless the student is free to pursue the quest for knowledge and understanding, wherever it may lead, and to report and discuss the findings, whatever they may be, the academy faculty member cannot properly perform their work. As a participant in an enterprise that depends upon freedom for its health and integrity, the faculty member has a special interest in promoting conditions of free inquiry and furthering public understanding of academic freedom.

Freedom entails responsibilities. It is incumbent upon the faculty member to accept the responsibilities which are concomitant with the freedom students needs.

Teaching Standards
Professional Ethics
How to Get Your Dream CAREER Work?

Free Demo Lectures

What they Say

Our Celebs

Shri. Balaram Patil Saheb

Maharashtra Legislative Council Konkan Teachers MLA

Mr. Devang V. Trivedi

Managing Director - Progressive Group

Eijaz Khan

Actor – Film & Television

Rehman Khan

Actor | Comedian – Film & Television

Yusuf Dohadwala

Managing Director & CEO at Peppermint Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Ar. Soyuz & Ar. Kavita Talib

Principal Architect - Soyuz Talib Architects Pvt. Ltd.

What Our Students Say

I am happy with every moment I have spent here. Now I am sure about my future, my career and knowledge. Academy of Art & Design® is the best choice for you.

Simi Barua

Simi Barua

Interior Design Student

I’m from Kenya and came to India for higher studies. At Academy of Art & Design® I was able to start the courses I wouldn’t dream of finding anywhere else. Thank you so much for your professional techniques and time!

Lauren Oyatta

Lauren Oyatta

Fashion Design Student

I recommend Academy of Art & Design® to everyone who wants to receive quality education and spend amazing time with wonderful teachers and students. Thanks!

Suvarna Rajiwade

Suvarna Rajiwade

Interior Design Student

This is the best institute for learning Interior Design and i am grateful to all teachers for giving me the opportunity to enjoy the process of studying. You’re great!

Preety Singh

Preety Singh

Interior Design Student
What they Say

Our Students Video Testimonials

Fashion Design Students

Interior Design Students

Fashion Tailoring Students